Roxy Therapy Dog Says Goodbye to Students for the Summer...Virtually

Atticus Wargo

Atticus Wargo

Roxy™ volunteer Kerry Wargo and his standard poodle, Atticus, have brought comfort and support to area children since 2017. They recently got the opportunity to meet with their classroom friends in the Central Bucks School District for the last time this school year. Of course, this was a virtual meeting since school is not in conventional session due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Kerry and Atticus made the rounds visiting with the students in the classes of Laura Sorensen, Trish Zeoli, Jenn Regec and Jackie Carmeans from Mill Creek Elementary as well as the classes of Rebeka Detweiler and Danica Fossesca from Butler Elementary School.

“Some were intentional surprise visits,” says Kerry. “Others were aware that Atticus would be on-line with them at that session.”  Ms. Detweiler, in particular, had a surprise prepared where the children each read a written opinion piece. They wrote these pieces based on books that they had read during the year. Each child also read a book, or a portion of a book, to Atticus. 

I made sure the kids knew how proud of them Atticus and I were.
— Kerry Wargo and Atticus
Atticus doesn’t understand Zoom meetings.

Atticus doesn’t understand Zoom meetings.

“The kids, and the teachers, all had a great time. I did too!” says Kerry. “I wish I could say the same for Atticus, but I don't think he was getting it. I think in the future we will need smell-e-vision before a dog will know who he is communicating with.” 

“I made sure the kids knew how proud of them Atticus and I were. First for graduating and progressing to a new grade next year, but also for being ‘History Makers,’” Kerry says. “They were the first kids who had to deal with the COVID pandemic, and they made it through with flying colors.” 

Kerry wanted us to know that it was too bad that Atticus was not able to appear with his new haircut. After their virtual visits were over, Atticus was finally able to get to the groomers and is now sporting his new summer hairdo. It’s ok, Atticus. Lots of us haven’t had haircuts in a while. We think you’re handsome no matter what and greatly appreciate the work you and your dad do for Roxy Therapy Dogs.

“I hear their voices,” says Atticus. “But where are they?”

“I hear their voices,” says Atticus. “But where are they?”